EASY TO INSTALL, in retrofits or new constructions, by stapling to the bottom of rafters and over attic floor. Frequently used as House Wrap for additional insulation. Also used in barns, metal buildings, and poultry houses. PAYS FOR ITSELF by reducing heating cost in winter and cooling cost in summer. Blocks 95% heat radiating from the underside of a hot roof keeping the attic space cooler. Studies showed 23-44% reduction in heat flow through the ceiling. Corrosion resistance according to D3310 is achieved by a proprietary clear coating applied to the Metalized Aluminum surface. Pliable, non-toxic, and fungi resistant. Both sides 95% reflective. HEAVY DUTY, with high-density polyethylene core fabric providing superior tear and puncture resistance. Perforated for Breathability – Minimum of 5 Perms. ALSO AVAILABLE IN 500 SQ. 70 Gram Heavy Duty (Strongest made). Two-sided reflecting metallized film with polyethylene woven reinforcement. 32 lbs per 1000 sq ft roll. Length: 21.49 pounds force Width: 24.56 pounds force ASTM D2261. 70°F±5°F & 50±5% Relative Humidity – No Cracking or Delamination ASTM C1313-05. 180°F±5°F & 50% Relative Humidity – No Bleeding or Delamination ASTM C1313-05. Flame Spread & Smoke. Class A/ Class 1 0 Flame Spread, 5 Smoke Development ASTM Method E84-10. PASS – No Growth ASTM C1338-08. 5.88 Perms ASTM E96-05. EMISSIVITY: 0.05 REFLECTIVITY: 95% ASTM C1371-04a.